Shqipëria Posted on 2024-11-20 13:03:00

Rama: Cameras in schools. Parents watch in real time what happens to their children!


Rama: Cameras in schools. Parents watch in real time what happens to their

After yesterday's event in the capital, near the premises of the Fan Noli school, the Prime Minister of the country, Edi Rama, issued a press statement today where he expressed the need to revise the sanctions for the introduction of cell phones in schools.

He also expressed the need to introduce cameras in schools so that parents can see in real time what happens to their children.

"Each of us should do more on the front of educating children, starting from the walls of the house to the TV screens, including the parliament hall, which is an open hall of incitement to violence," said Rama.

"Let's ease the pressures that come to children from social networks. TikTok and Snapchat are the 2 main sources of inciting violence and acts of bullying until events like this last one.”




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