Shqipëria Posted on 2024-11-20 12:19:00

The last day for the self-declaration of wages - From tomorrow, the tax authorities will start checks on risky businesses

From Dorian Koça

The last day for the self-declaration of wages - From tomorrow, the tax

Wednesday, November 20 is the last day for all businesses, which have turned out to be risk subjects in the field of informality of wages, to self-declare the wages of employees. The tax administration has previously warned these businesses that if this does not happen, they will be subject to continuous control and monitoring in the following period. According to taxes, false declaration of these data constitutes tax evasion and administrative and criminal offense.

The first phase provided for the awareness of businesses to self-declare salaries, and for this purpose, businesses were given time until October 20.

Referring to the latest data from the General Directorate of Taxes, as the results of the advisory campaign, 9,000 taxpayers have reacted positively by reflecting in their payroll statements, after the first notification, increasing the declared salary fund by a total of 1.25 billion ALL.

Also for the month of October 2024, the Tax Administration has achieved a significant increase in the collection of contributions, collecting 819 million ALL or 6% more than the planned plan.

After the results obtained from the analysis of all the payrolls declared in October 2024, the Tax Administration has identified 37,331 taxpayers at risk in the field of informality of wages, those who, despite the first notification, had not reacted. Precisely, for these 37,331 taxpayers, the deadline ends today, otherwise they will be the object of control according to the laws in force.




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