Shqipëria Posted on 2025-02-04 14:01:00

Installation of solar panels for water heating - The second call for subsidies for 2 thousand families opens!

From Edel Strazimiri

Installation of solar panels for water heating - The second call for subsidies

The second call for support for 2,000 families to install solar panels for water heating has been launched. The announcement was made by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku.

After the success of the first call, where 1981 families across the country have solar panels for water heating installed in their homes, subsidized at a rate of 70% by the state budget, work has already begun on the second call. This measure directly affects the reduction of electricity bills for families that have installed this system.

In the Farka area of ​​Tirana, where he visited one of the families that benefited from the first call, Balluku explained that the second call has begun with the opening of applications for interested entities that offer this service. Upon completion of this phase, starting on February 24, applications will be opened for citizens.

"Starting today, February 4, as the first time, we will divide this process into two phases. Starting today, all those entities that wish to provide services, installation and solar panels for all families who will apply, must start applying on the Energy Efficiency Agency website. And then the second phase begins, on February 24, all family subscribers who wish to be equipped with these solar panels, which are subsidized 70% by the funds created by the Energy Efficiency Agency, can start their application, considering that 2000 units are available to be used in this second package ," she emphasized.

The Minister of Infrastructure and Energy further added that the diversification of renewable sources is a national strategy that the Albanian Government has been pursuing since 2019, but what we are asking for, Balluku added, is the inclusion of all citizens in this strategy that will lead our country towards a secure future in the energy sector by turning Albania into a net energy exporting country by 2030.

"I would call on all citizens, taking the good example we have with the 1981 units installed to date, to apply as soon as possible, starting from February 24," said Balluku, once again bringing to attention that since February, the new electricity price has also started to be applied, 10.5% lower for family subscribers who consume up to 700 kilowatt-hours.

The Balla family, as one of the beneficiaries of the first call for subsidies for solar panels for water heating, emphasized that this measure has been reflected in their monthly electricity bill, bringing a significant reduction. The entire process is online on the website of the Energy Efficiency Agency.



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