Shqipëria Posted on 2025-02-04 13:58:00

"Albania, a leader in the digitalization of public services" - Rama: We are working with Microsoft to introduce artificial intelligence into procurement

From Ledina Elezi

"Albania, a leader in the digitalization of public services" - Rama:

The digitalization of public services is one of Albania's strongest points, while the government is also working on extending it to public procurement through the introduction of artificial intelligence.

During the presentation of the OECD/SIGMA public administration report, the Program Manager, Gregor Virant, listed some of the report's main findings on the field of administration in Albania.

“Your strongest point is digitalization, you have made great progress with the e-government portal, registration, you have surpassed many other EU countries. You have very solid legislation for civil servants and the administration of political institutions. You also have strong political leadership, because you designate a specific minister for public administration, which shows how much importance you give to this. The third strong point is that your civil servants, 86% of the servants recommend their organization as a good place to work, they are satisfied.”

Rama emphasized that in addition to the digitalization of public services, work is now underway with Microsoft to introduce artificial intelligence into procurement.

"We are working on an Artificial Intelligence model and there, so that even in public procurements, as in public services, we have to a very large extent the technological instrument that makes the process. This will make procurements much more transparent, much faster, create many more opportunities for administration employees to deal with other issues because just counting how many procurement commissions are established in Albania and how many employees at all levels are included in procurement commissions, they are an entire army. We are working intensively with Microsoft. We have ensured that the Albanian government will have the copyright."

Meanwhile, the Minister of State for Public Administration and Anti-Corruption, Adea Pirdeni, emphasized that the entire legal framework regulating public administration will soon be reviewed.

"We will submit within March for public consultation amendments to two draft laws drafted with the assistance of the EU4GG project, namely: Law No. 152/2013 "On the Civil Servant" and Law No. 90/2012 "On the Organization and Functioning of the State Administration. Where not only the functioning of the administrative apparatus has been reconceptualized, the optimization of work processes in the administration has been optimized, as well as more structured control and monitoring of the way an institution, not just a public official, performs," ​​said Pirdeni.

Currently, the Cross-Sectoral Strategy for Public Administration Reform 2024-2030 is in the public consultation phase. 




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