Bota Posted on 2025-03-21 09:47:00

Global competition in exports - China has the hegemony. Since 2010, it has doubled its presence in the world market


Global competition in exports - China has the hegemony. Since 2010, it has

Global competition for a dominant position in world exports has intensified since the pandemic. At the forefront of the race are China, the US and Germany. According to a study conducted by a German research institute, German products account for at least 30 percent of world exports.

The most developed European country is dominant in 180 categories out of 5,300 product categories analyzed. According to the report, the United States of America dominates with 347 products. "This is certainly also related to the size of the American economy," say the German researchers.

But China is far ahead of everyone else: with 1,535 types of goods, it is the world's export champion. According to the study, since 2010, China has almost doubled the number of product categories in which it dominates the world market. However, Germany, with its 180 dominant products, ranks relatively well in international competition and surpasses countries such as Italy with 141 product categories, Japan with around 100 product categories and France with 73 product categories.

According to the study, German exports are particularly strong in the chemical industry, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering sectors, as well as in the production of non-ferrous metals. The largest buyer of "Made in Germany" products is the United States, which is not surprising. US President Donald Trump has often highlighted this trade imbalance with Germany. China is in second place, although with a significantly smaller volume of purchases of German products compared to the US.



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