Shqipëria Posted on 2025-02-05 10:45:00

The release exams for 9th graders, dates set - Start on the 19th and end on June 30, 2025

From Ernilda Luzi

The release exams for 9th graders, dates set - Start on the 19th and end on June

The Ministry of Education in the Republic of Albania has published the dates of the national basic education exams for the first session, for the 2024–2025 school year. Within the month of June, 9th grade students will take three national exams, including exams in the subjects Albanian Language, Mathematics and Foreign Language.

According to the approved instruction, students will take the first compulsory exam in the Albanian Language subject on June 19, 2025. Meanwhile, on June 25, students will take the second exam in the Mathematics subject. The last test will be the Foreign Language test, which will be held on June 30, 2025.

National minority students also take the national basic education exam in the subject Mother Tongue, where they will be tested on June 20, 2025. Also, national minority students are assessed in the subjects: Mother Tongue, Albanian Language, Mathematics and, if desired, in a foreign language.

Meanwhile, the foreign languages ​​that will be given as compulsory exams are: English, French, Italian and German. 9th grade students of the supporting schools of the bilingual French, Italian and German sections take the exam in the respective language of the section at the A2 language level.

Meanwhile, students with disabilities who attend regular schools take the national basic education exams, as defined in the regulation for the conduct of national basic education exams. The Director of the Institute for Blind Students withdraws the test from the Educational Services Center (QSHA), one day before the exam and converts it into the braille writing system.

Each exam will begin at 10:00 AM and will last 2 hours and 30 minutes.



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