Informaliteti pagave/ DPT: Mbi 143 mijë kanë përfituar rritje të pagës!
Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Tatimeve njofton se Aksioni i Administratës Tatimore kundër Informalitetit të Pagave ka sjellë rezultate domethënëse, duke ndikuar pozitivisht në deklarimin e pagës reale dhe në rritjen e pagesës së kontributeve
Sipas DPT 143,126 punonjës kanë përfituar rritje të pagës me më shumë se 10 % krahasuar me shtator 2024 (para aksionit).
“Është rritur me 28% më shumë pagesa për kontributet dhe Tatimin mbi të Ardhurat nga Paga (TAP), krahasuar me shtator 2024”, shkruhet në njoftim.
DPT bën thirrje gjithashtu se lufta kundër informalitetit të pagave do të vazhdojë “për të mos i mohuar asnjë qytetari në Republikën e Shqipërisë të drejtën për pension të merituar!”

Trump threatens 100% tariffs to convince BRICS countries to replace the US dollar!
President Donald Trump warned BRICS member countries to replace the US dollar as their reserve currency, repeating a threat of 100% tariffs he made weeks......

How did this week end for the major currencies?
The US dollar closed this week volatile, being bought today at 95.3 lek and being sold at 96.6 lek according to the local exchange rate. The European......

The European Investment Bank will invest 95 billion euros in 2025, but only 2 billion euros for defense!
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is targeting an investment of €95 billion by 2025, supporting initiatives ranging from clean technology and artificial......

ECB cuts rates again as inflation nears 2% and growth remains weak!
As analysts had predicted, the ECB cut interest rates on Thursday afternoon during its January meeting. As a result, the interest rates on the deposit......

Denmark, in defense of Greenland - 2 billion euros to increase military presence in the Arctic
Denmark will increase its military presence in the Arctic region, investing around 2 billion euros to defend the territory. The decision comes after tensions......

Germany, pessimistic about the future - Reduces forecast for economic growth in 2025
Germany has cut its economic growth forecast for this year to 0.3%. The German economy has faced major challenges in recent years, affected by global crises......

Road axis, Fier-Patos Turn-Fratar, Balluku inspects the works!
The Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku, inspected today the work for the rehabilitation of the road axis, Fier-Kthesa e Patosit-Fratar,......

Spain, with the strongest economic growth in the eurozone - Tourism, agriculture and exports fueled expansion in 2024
Spain had the strongest economic growth in the eurozone in 2024, exceeding the Central Bank's expectations. The rapid growth was helped by tourism, the......